Uploads: Generation TXT

While people who read the textfiles.com site might think that the world of g-files and text-only BBSes is dead and gone, there are actually many people who keep the faith, having information they want to see spread far and wide, and writing textfiles to get the word out. While the subjects are newer and the writing more internet-minded, the themes and forces touched upon in other files appear here as well, showing that the spirit is alive and thriving.

When BBSes were the way to get textfiles, you always shot over to the "Uploads" section to see what people had just added to the system, so you could get it first. That's where the name of this section comes from. In actuality, if you have a file you've just written you want to see up here, send mail to jason@textfiles.com.

Note, by the way, that because ALL the new files are being put here, it's a bit of a mish-mash. Just like the old days!

As time is going on, people have donated files with the same bad ideas about drugs, vandalism and the ol' boom-boom; hopefully in a mere homage to files of old. Don't follow instructions you find in random textfiles on the internet; it just leads to tears.

Description of the Textfile
001.txt 2873
Oiling, from Pyros The Leprechaun (August 31, 2001)
002.txt 3244
How to Make Smoke Bombs if You Don't Own a Mobile Laboratory, by Pyros The Leprechaun (August 31, 2001)
10trash.txt 1713
10 Ways to Completely Trash Someone's Property, by Mantis (July, 2003)
123vbs.vir 3988
How to Make a VBS (Visual Basic Script) Virus by Sick66 (August 15, 2000)
1killerhigh.txt 4788
A California High, by Diabolus (November 27, 2001)
2001.txt 349098
Soren Greenwood's Conspiracy Theory to Explain all Other Conspiracy Theories (January 10, 2001)
20thviruses.txt 22781
The 20th Century: Computer Virus History, by Paranoidxe (April 21, 2004)
256sysclr.txt 2180
Adding 256 Colors to Systray, by ParanoidXE (2003)
2kboot.txt 2728
Replacing the Windows 2000 Boot Screen, by ParanoidXE (May 17, 2002)
2killerhigh.txt 3607
The New Jersey High, by Abstracted (November 28, 2001)
2ktips.txt 97168
Windows 2000 Tips and Tricks, by ParanoidXE (December 17, 2003)
2waymir.txt 5009
How to Make a Two-Way Mirror, by ZERO (October 14, 2001)
366dispose.txt 28032
366 Cruel Ways to Dispose of Loud Neighbors byy Terri D. Lazylucyfan (2024)
3scams.txt 2639
3 Cool Scams by Dizzie (1999)
508752.txt 5356
The 508-852 Wardial Report, by NO CARRIER (December 25, 2002)
5steplockp.txt 3401
A 5 Step Guide to Making Lock Picks with Household Items, by Steve R. (July 21, 2006)
800326carrier.txt 6839
The 1-800-326-XXX Scan List, by NO CARRIER (March 26, 2003)
80040100xx.txt 6003
A Scan of 800-401-00xx by Jenn (2001)
80055500xx.txt 6315
A Scan of 1-800-555-00XX by Jenn (1997)
80055500xx2.txt 6610
A Scan of 800-555-00xx by Jenn (June 12, 2001)
919439scan.txt 1988
A Scan of 919-493-99xx by Against Me! (January 17, 2004)
98install.txt 2956
A Windows 98 Installation Guide by ParanoidXE (2003)
9satan.txt 6179
The Nine Satanic Statements and Sins (May, 2004)
9xtcpip.txt 968
Reinstalling TCP/IP under Windows 95/98, by ParanoidXE (April 12, 2003)
ablabap.txt 32190
A Broad Look at American and British Phreaking, by DUO_PROS (Happy McSmith) (February, 2005)
abortion.txt 3814
A Few Random Thoughts on Abortion (February, 2009)
acbhistory.txt 5339
The History of the Internet's Anarchist Cookbook, by Zero (November 18, 2001)
ad1100whack.txt 11212
The Apex AD1100W Region/MV Hack, by ParanoidXE (January 22, 2003)
aer.txt 769
Fun With an Aerosol Can, Part 1 of Maybe 2, by Paco (April 2, 2004)
airkaos.txt 1744
How to Make Airplane Rides Fun, by Sheer Black (July, 2003)
alabamsonm.txt 2473
Alabama Son to Alabama Mother (Response to "Letter from Alabama Mom to Alabama Son") (June 23, 2009)
alcohol.txt 21622
Homemade Alcohol Version 2 by Zero (June 22, 2011)
allukpp.txt 2089483
Complete List of Every UK Payphone (August 28, 2002)
amazingmemories.txt 5070
Amazing Memories, by Scott Morrow, from Maritime Computer Connections Magazine 9September, 1996)
ammo.txt 3417
How to Properly Care for Ammo in South Africa, by Adamantium (February, 2000)
anarchy.txt 8560
Cola Presents: Fred the Elite Hacker Versus Ronald McDonald (March 6, 2000)
anarchytoday.txt 1542
Anarchy of Today, by Pyromania (October 10, 2004)
anarchytruth.txt 10188
The Truth of Being an Anarchist: What All Should Know, by Unknwon (February 6, 2004)
anarchyutopia.txt 6969
The Anarchist Utopia (May, 2004)
anitrate.txt 982
Amonium Nitrate Noise Maker: by MaDDaX
annoyneigh.txt 1871
Dealing with Annoying Neighbors, by Sweeper09 (August 25, 2009)
anthrax.txt 2601
Anthrax Information, by SamDaMan (October 11, 2001)
antiantimuslim.txt 5848
Anti AntiMuslims, by Jez Hunter (Stable Eyes) (January 16, 2006)
antiavtech.txt 11762
Anti-AV Techniques for Batch by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
antimuslims-redux.txt 8634
The Author of "Message to Muslums" writes in, years later. (May, 2014)
antimuslims.txt 5903
Message for Muslims, an Anti-Muslim Rant by Mantis (Stan Walker) (July 24, 2003)
antimuslimsrebut.txt 2098
Rebuttal to Antimuslims.txt: We are Not, by Scrolllock (August 24, 2004)
antipiracy.txt 9378
Anti-Piracy Fixed by Real Internet People, by Pyromania (May, 2005)
aodvol1.txt 44282
Anarchy or Death Volume 1 (March 1, 2014):w
apple2gscracks.txt 53158
Apple IIgs Cracks by Brian A. Troha (February, 2014)
apsara.txt 398506
Ouroboros: The Snake Eats Its Own Tail, or What Goes Around Comes Around, by Andy Thomas (2007)
article1.txt 6046
How to Have Fun at Night (Anarchy Style) by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
article2.txt 2295
How to Make Napalm, by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
article3.txt 2638
How to Make a CO2 Bomb, by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
article4.txt 1361
Stay Out of My Way! by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
article5.txt 2049
Who the Hell is Shadow Wolf? By Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
assassinate.txt 8214
The Handbook of Assassination v1.0 by Acidous (October 11, 2002)
atschool.txt 4968
Just a Bit More Fun at School, by Avatar
autocat-virus-2002.txt 2819
Understanding an AutoCAD Virus (2002)
autofirebomb.txt 4576
Making an Autofire Bomb by Strych9 Milksheikh (May, 2005)
autofirebomb2.txt 4878
The Revised Autofire Bomb, by Strych9 Milksheikh (July 1, 2005)
autopsy.txt 45461
Autopy of Two Successful Intrusions, by Floydman (August 30, 2001)
avoid.txt 3265
How to Avoid the Police in the UK, by TikTaq (April 4, 2001)
avschoolfun.txt 4938
The Avatar Presents: Just a Bit More Fun At School (September 21, 2001)
awesomepayloads.txt 14284
Awesome Batch Payloads by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
badging.txt 961
Car Badges, by The Phantom of Cars (February, 2005)
balloon.txt 707
Making a Magic Balloon, by Dizzie
bannerhack.txt 384
Taking Banners Off of your Free Webpages, by 007 (February 20, 2002)
barcode.txt 2065
The Bar Code Scam, by Insane Killa (July 7, 2003)
barcodes.txt 7528
The Bar Codes, by Anonymous (Conspiracy) (March 10, 2000)
basicviruses.txt 16388
The Basic Concepts of PC Viruses, by paranoidxe (April 22, 2004)
bassguitar.txt 4309
A Simple Guide for Learning to Play Bass Guitar or Regular Guitar, by Beigebox (December 24, 2003)
batch.txt 3077
Arrays in Batch Files by Jakash3 (December, 2009)
batchirc.txt 13781
Batch IRC/Outlook Spreading by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
batchmemory.txt 14315
Meanderings: Theory on Batch Memory Residency Techniques by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
batchprank.txt 566
Batch File: The Batch Prank, by Cleptice (June 11, 2003)
batchstartup.txt 9158
Tutorial: Batch Startup Techniques by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
batchtheory.txt 8636
Meanderings: Theory on Batch Keylogging by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
battleroyale.txt 137844
BATTLE ROYALE by Kenji Fukasaku: Translation of text from subtitles by Gregory Pietcsh (November, 2008)
battleroyale2.txt 144449
BATTLE ROYALE by Kenji Fukasaku: Translation of text from subtitles by Gregory Pietcsh (March, 2009)
batviri.txt 4432
How to Make a Bat Virus by SKK66
batviri2.txt 2554
A Batch File Virus for Windows 9X/2000/ME/XP, by 007 (February 20, 2002)
bbgun.txt 4594
A Homemade BBS Gun by Mearl Man (April, 2003)
bbmhak.txt 7173
The Big Book of Modern Mischief by Hakka (February 9, 2003)
bbsing.txt 9480
The Lost Art of BBSing, by Mob Boss (April 2000)
bbslist.txt 1607
A Hacking/Phreaking BBS List, by Mob Boss (June 2000)
bc-newsletter-1.txt 14408
BlackCode Ravers Mailing List Issue #1
beepdetonate.txt 1497
The Beeper Detonator, by Acidous (October 12, 2002)
beginners.txt 17022
Hacking Windows for the Complete Newbie, by SLIPStream (December, 2003)
begphreaking.txt 15323
The Beginner's Guide to Phreaking, by Akurei (June 25, 2000)
begtrojhak1.txt 7545
The Beginners' Guide to Trojan Hacking: Volume 1: Netbus by Weapon N (January 1, 2000)
begtrojhak2.txt 8919
The Beginner's Guide to Trojan Hacking Volume 2: Back Orifice 2K, by Weapon N (January 17, 2000)
begtrojhak3.txt 9146
The Beginner's Guide to Trojan Hacking: Volume 3: Extras, by Weapon N (August 8, 2000)
beigebawx.txt 3933
Building a Beige Box (Simplified) by Akurei (August 11, 2000)
beigeboxen.txt 4348
The Beige Box, by N3cr0man3r (September, 2005)
beinghacker.txt 46787
Hacker Being: On the Meaning of Being a Hacker, by Valerio Elf Qrin Capello (March 26, 2000)
bellvans.txt 8497
Building Fake Bell Vans for Fun and Profit, by DialTone (2000)
bergeron.txt 13269
REPORT: Harrison Bergeron, by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. by Spyhunter
betterfree_magz.txt 651
A Better Way to Get Free Magazines, by Strych9 Milksheikh (July 1, 2005)
betterfree_nps.txt 470
A Better Way to Get Free Newspapers, Strych9 Milksheikh (July 1, 2005)
bibleshid.txt 6090
NGSAM Presents: Bible Shid, by Draxamus (January 14, 2003)
billjk.txt 4140
The Mosquito that Bit Bill Gates, by Karthik (J.K.) (July, 2003)
bintutorial.txt 5838
A Binary Tutorial for Beginners, by David Carlton (July 19, 2004)
bl0w001.txt 6882
Basic Language for Oniric Warp Issue #1 by Gen0iced (2001)
bl0w002.txt 4988
Bl0W Issue #2 by Gen0iced (2001)
black2.txt 29538
BlackCode Ravers Magazine Issue #2
blackops.txt 17027
Black Ops, by MRDark, of The Militia (February, 2008)
blastingcaps.txt 12061
Creating Blasting Caps (Unknown) (July 27, 2010)
bodspray.txt 1049
Fun with Bod-Spray, by Da Phontom and BKJKHKER (June 8, 2007)
bong.txt 1682
Making your Very Own Bong that you can Reuse, by Phish
booknotnamed.txt 18398
The Book That Shall Not Be Named, by H. R. Puff 'n' Stuff (December, 2005)
bookofformulas.txt 50586
The Ancient Book of Formulas, by Lewis De Claremont (Transcription of Public Domain Book) (2004)
bootstrap.txt 36583
Better Homes and Bootstrapping 0.03b by ME-Tan (April-May, 2009)
bopse.txt 5067
The Birth of Phreaking, by Durandal of SoldierX.COM and the Legion of the Damned (May, 2000)
bordem.txt 3232
Ways to Erase Boredom from Your life, by MassExodus / Darksintext (February, 2004)
boredom.faq 1880
The Boredom FAQ, by Cobalt (October 10, 2003)
brobbery.txt 3892
How to Commit a Bank Robbery, by Dope (January 2, 2006)
bt.txt 1852
How to Write Batch Trojans (April, 2001)
bungee.box 3127
The Bungee Box by Captain B (February 1, 2002)
burn.txt 2234
Burning a Hole in Space-Time: A Collection of Poetry from 6billionhosts (June, 2007)
burnmovies.txt 1322
How to Burn Movies, from Acid Pool (February 5, 2006)
bushbases.txt 7381
A Guide to Bush Bases, by Scrambling Vermin (August 20, 2005)
busywats.txt 1856
Toll Free Busy Lines, by Pref1x (June 18, 2002)
buyvrsdld.txt 4808
Ersatz Presents an essay discussing buying vs. downloading, by Ersatz (January 19, 2003)
buzzbox.txt 1968
The Buzz Box, by Icey and Digit (1999)
bypassv1.5.txt 9604
Bypassing The New EAS Anti-Shoplifting Devices v1.5, by Optica V (July 13, 2000)
cable.txt 1566
An Easy Guide to Ripping Off Cable Companies by Pepsie of the Thieves (May 23, 2001)
callerid.txt 13051
ANI and Caller ID, by Z09 (April 11, 2006)
cam-hack.txt 1586
Kiull a Cam Version 1.x Remote Get Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in CamShot WebCam HTTP by Lucid of Phreak2000
camp.txt 5023
Some Phun While Camping, by The Enphorcer (February, 2001)
cannery_row.txt 3081
REPORT: Cannery Row, by John Steinbeck, by n3t (2004)
carding.txt 2704
Obtaining Credit Card Numbers by Dizzie (1999)
cartb.txt 1051
How to Break into a Car with a Tennis Ball by The Anarchist (March 1, 2007)
cat3scheme.txt 3382
The Standard/Cat3 Color Scheme Conversion, by Captain B
cc1freepizza.txt 7431
Classic Compilation #1: Getting Free Pizza, by DiZZIE (May 12, 2007)
cc2freemovies.txt 10740
Classic Compilation #2: Getting Free Movies (At the Theatre) by Dizzie (May 12, 2007)
cdwritin.txt 8854
How to Successfully Burn CD-Rs (Release 2) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
cdwritin2.txt 10186
How to Successfully Burn CD-Rs (Release 2) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
celltron.txt 5201
Free Cellular Phone Calls Without Cloning by TRON (January 1, 2002)
changeraising.txt 4462
Change Raising Scam by Zero (June 22, 2011)
chasm.txt 911
The Chasm between The Hacker and the Public, by Enderfury (October 17, 2002)
chating.txt 9453
How to Impress Chicks in a Chatroom v1.0 by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (November 26, 2000)
cheapfc.txt 748
How to Make a Cheap High Powered Firecracker from a Marker, by p0x (July 5, 2006)
cheatpoker.txt 8608
How to Cheat at Poker, by the Amnesiac Antelope (February 2015)
check.txt 113133
STORY: Checkmate, by Andy Thomas (2008)
chemlife.txt 8874
Leading a Better Life Through Chemistry (a subjective view of drugs) (October 28, 2005)
chepacid.drg 583
How to Make Cheap Acid Out of Juicy Fruit, by Sk8trJoe (September, 1999)
chickenfarm.txt 8236
A Chicken Farm Guide by Michael Constantine Dimopoulos (March 30, 2021)
chimi.txt 71180
The Chimi Changas, a Massive Epic from Edward Ansbro (Unknown)
cleanup.txt 4298
In Depth Guide to Cleaning Your Internet Tracks by: Zero, aka: g-prime (March 27, 2003)
click.txt 4991
Make your Own Very Simple Pick Guns by The Impactor
clouds.txt 2074
Poetry: Clouds, by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
co2pressure.txt 1400
The CO2 Pressure Bomb, by The Master (April, 2004)
coke.txt 727
Getting into a Coke Vending Machine (in Australia) by AdamL (January 2000)
comp_trojans.txt 34780
The Complete Trojans Text (Security Related) by The Maniac (March 4, 2000)
compsteal.txt 1323
Stealing a Computer The Easy Way by Pepsi and Gringo Madrileno (July, 2001)
comptroj.txt 34712
The Complete Trojans Text, by The Maniac (April 3, 2000)
conthephone.txt 713
Con the Phone Company by The Root User (April 21, 2005)
conversion.txt 4412
How to Make a Conversion Box, by Captain B (May 30, 2002)
convmovie.txt 1048
Converting Movie Files to Image Files by Acid Pool (February 8, 2006)
coup.txt 5268
STORY: Coup, by Jonathan Locke (October, 2008)
cracker.txt 5792
A Guide to How to Become a Cracker and How to Survive in the Underground World, by The Maniac (2001)
crazy.txt 4662
How to Make Someone Crazy (An Anarchy Guide) by The Maniac
creditobtain.txt 2686
Obtaining Credit Card Numbers by DIzzIE (1999)
csociety.txt 1877
What's good about a Cashless Society, by Benny Gooslin (January, 2006)
ctvfoil.txt 1166
How to Get Cable TV with Foil! from TiME
cult.txt 9107
What's a Cult? By Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (November 25th, 2001)
cyphercat1.txt 3473
Cyphercat Bulletin Board Systems Outreach Volume 1 (May 2010)
cyphercat2.txt 4013
Cyphercat Bulletin Board Systems Outreach Volume 2 (May 2010)
cyphercat3.txt 4221
Cyphercat BBS Outreach Systems #3
darkdom.txt 1353
A Message to Textfile Writers from Mutant Man (The Dark Dominator) (June 13, 2004)
dataprotection.txt 3443
How to Hide Files in Windows by SKK66 (July, 2000)
dearsiia.txt 3013
Dear SIIA (Anti-Piracy Corporation) by Pyromania (March 30, 2005)
deathsave.txt 6989
An ASCII Illustrated Guide to the Art of the Deathsave, by Besideyou (October 21, 2001)
debugbat.txt 6601
Using Debug to Disassemble and Debug Batch Files, by Jakash3 (October 11, 2009)
debugmsdosbatch.txt 9041
How to Debug MS-DOS Batch Language by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
defilter.txt 3690
How to Get Around Your School Filter, by JMZ (February 9, 2005)
definiti.txt 9425
A Couple of Definitions of Computer Users, by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (November 25th, 2001)
despair.txt 3714
How Much My Life Sucks, by Anonymous Loozer (September 15, 2001)
desperated.txt 6226
Kill the Politicians, by FDT (February 10, 2002)
destroy.txt 19191
How to Destroy Everything by 6billionghosts (June, 2007)
destructo.txt 1185
The Destructo Disk, by Digital Misery (May 15, 2003)
deton8.txt 7379
How to Build a Timed Detonator, by Reuter Canine (December 15, 1999)
dirrerent.txt 5039
About Different Types of Trojans, by The Maniac (2001)
ditto_box.txt 6617
The Ditto Box: A Tutorial by Cracked Anarchist (July, 2006)
diz-bab.txt 13993
Burn all Books! Why ebooks kick the sheet out of treeware, by DIzzIE (2008)
diz-films.txt 10109
Counterfeit Cities: Spacial Celebriphilia and Film's Whoring of Place: How Tax Payers Subsidize Hollywood's Production Costs by DIzzIE (2007)
diz-freedate.txt 3052
How to Go on a Free Date, by DIzzIE (2006)
diz-freepob.txt 1393
Free PO Boxes, by DIzzIE (2006)
diz-libraries.txt 5819
Why I Steal from Libraries, by DIzzIE (2007)
diz-mutatis.txt 3532
Mutatis Mutandis: Things to Consider, by DIzzIE (2006)
diz-netflix.txt 20447
How to Rip Netflix Watch Now Movies v1.3 by DIzzIE (2007)
diz-npr.txt 2651
How to Rip NPR MP3s by DIzzIE (2008)
diz-scanning.txt 15558
DIzzIE's Scanning Tutorial (on using FineReader), by DIzzIE (2003)
diz-usp1.txt 19244
Underground Security Paper #1: Encrypting Instant Messaging Conversations v1.0 by DIzzIE (2006)
diz-usp2.txt 25421
Underground Security Paper #2: Encrypting Email Communiques v1.0 by DIzzIE (2007)
diz-usp3.txt 22789
Underground Security Paper #3: The Dangers of Metadata, by DIzzIE (2008)
dmansystem.txt 4950
The Digital Man, the World, and the System, by Benny Gooslin (November 19, 2005)
dos.txt 7425
Denial of Service: An Introduction, by Darren Pierce (April 20, 2000)
dos_cmds.txt 6095
The DOS Command List, by ParanoidXE (2003)
dosdeath.txt 4345
The Death of DOS: An Opinion, by Count Tigris (June 15, 2003)
doubleop.txt 6428
The Double-Op Divert, by Captain B (May 27, 2003)
dream.txt 4070
To anybody who feels like life is just a dream, by XERCES (July 6, 2010)
druggo.txt 7551
The Ultimate Drug: A Ficticious Story by Kabak of Wallpaper-Boy.com (November 26, 2001)
dumpster.txt 1732
About Dumpster Diving, by Hammer and Nail (January 15, 2000)
dutch.txt 56348
Aleutian Light by Andy Thomas (2008)
dvdpackaging.txt 2343
DVD Packaging Annoyances, by Paranoidxe (July, 2004)
dxm.txt 2367
Jesse Writes about Being on DXM, While on DXM (August 6, 2001)
easteregg.txt 2050
A Really Weird Easter Egg in IE5, from Sick66 (June 2000)
ectpasswd.txt 9541
/etc/passwd and Everything That Comes With It by KGB (2000)
edhall.txt 19720
Double Disks, by Edward Hall
eggiehack.txt 6392
Eggdrop Hacking, by The Mob Boss (December 19, 1999)
elcamo.txt 10327
EZ Camoflauge, by Ruzz (September 20, 2002)
elecpipe.txt 2278
How to Build a Pipe Bomb the Electric Way, by Zero (October 15, 2001)
elvisandtupac.txt 4948
What Really Happened with Elvis and Tupac, by Antifrance (February, 2009)
emission.txt 9039
Emission Laws: Are They Necessary?
encryptf.txt 1392
Doing Encryption of DOS Folders, by 007 (February 20, 2002)
encryption.txt 9119
The Encryption and PGP Tutorial, by The Maniac (November 16, 1999)
endmarchissue2.txt 15721
Basement Productions Presents the End March Issue Chapter 2 by Evergreen (March, 2003)
enough90s.txt 7298
Now that the 90s are Over, by Secret Squirrel (August 20, 2001)
entropy.txt 6560
Entropy is a Harsh Reality: Some Thoughts by Hathor (January, 2005)
epaste.txt 2488
Creating Exploding Paste
epiphany.txt 2986
An Epiphany: We Must Regain Our Freedon, by Epiphany of Port7alliance.com (February 10, 2001)
escalators.txt 748
Stopping Mall Escalators, by Hex (April, 2001)
escapedentist.txt 1168
How to Escape The Dentist by Lovelie18 (February, 2014)
escapeschool.txt 1782
How to Escape School by Lovelie18 (February, 2014)
ethics.txt 6171
The Ethics of a True Hacker, by The Mob Boss (December 5, 1999)
eunitviral.txt 14959
A Nymph Virual Tutorial by E-Unit (December, 2006)
evade.txt 2333
Evading the RIAA by Using a Proxy, by MassExodus (February, 2004)
evilsig.txt 27067
The Evil Industry: Changing Health, Money and Time for Evil Cigarettes, by AD (2007)
execution.box 7378
The Executioner Box, by Captain B (February 1, 2002)
expletives.txt 1764
Some Thoughts on Expletives (March, 2009)
explore1.txt 7621
The Drains and Catacombs FAQ, by The Dark Dominator (February, 2004)
explosivebg.txt 827
AN Exploding Blowgun Projectile by Marlboro Man (October 15, 2001)
fallen.txt 11453
The FALLEN Office Virus by Antistate
false_reality.txt 1477
False Reality, by Benny Gooslin (September, 2012)
faq-matrix.txt 18656
FAQ: The Matrix Trilogy, by Paranoidxe (2004)
faq-minority.txt 2799
FAQ: Minority Report, by paranoidxe (2004)
faq-ring.txt 8086
FAQ: The Ring Movie, by paranoidxe (2004)
fasmtut.txt 10644
FASM Tutorial, by Jak Ash (July 22, 2010
fassembly.txt 5745
File Operations in Assembly Language, y Jackash3 (February 20, 2010)
fcbksuks.txt 1771
The Facebook Rant, by Gluk Froy (January 16, 2008)
fhile.txt 3198
If You're a Wannabe Spy, This Might Help, by Cody J (November 30, 2001)
flamediff.txt 428
How to Make a Flamethrower a Different Way, by DOMiNiON (January, 2005)
flamethrow.txt 1502
How to Make a Flamethrower, by Who Cares Who Wrote It (June, 2004)
floppydeathdisk.txt 3498
The Floppy Death Disk by Cypher (December 7, 2006)
formats.txt 5353
Underground Filetypes for n00bz by Sheer Black Family (August 16, 2004)
forsaken.txt 3199
Forsaken: #1 in a D.O.A. Series by Forsaken (November 22, 2009)
free_food.txt 5840
Free Food by Dizzie (2000)
free_magz.txt 2840
Free Magazines!!!! By Dizzie (1999)
free_music.txt 8501
Free Music '08 by ad (May, 2008)
free_nps.txt 1049
Free Newspapers, by Dizzie (1999)
free_stuff.txt 2719
How to Get Free Stuff When Moving to Another Country, by Dizzie (1999)
freeav.txt 2117
How to Defeat the Altavista Free Internet Ad Banner by Day-Glo (July, 2000)
freeconcert.txt 693
Getting into a Big-Name Concert for Free, by Dr. Mombo (July, 2005)
freehair.ana 275
Getting a Free Haircut, by Craig (Small but Already a Classic) (July, 1999)
freei.txt 1851
Protectors of the Free World: Getting a FreeI Account, by Lucid of Phreak2000.com (August, 2000)
freepass.txt 1934
A Free Pass, by Komokozzy (September 1, 2002)
freestuff.txt 10658
How to Get Free Stuff, by Pepsi (June 10, 2001)
freestuff2.txt 1586
Getting Free Stuff, by Acid Pool (February 14, 2006)
fridgefun.txt 4808
Fun Things to Do With a Refrigerator, by Dizzie (January, 2003)
friends.txt 6923
Some Phun with your Drunk Phriends, by The Enphorcer (February 23, 2001)
ftphowto.txt 5971
An FTP How-To (Actually a reprinted FTP Manual Page) by p0x (July 5, 2006)
fun_with_vb.txt 1823
Some Funny Shit to Do with Visual Basic, by PZiKO (December, 2001)
funwithfriends.txt 3664
Embarass and Have Fun WITH your Friends, by Alfismo (November 3rd, 2000)
fwpets.txt 1598
Fun With Pets! By Slugnut of F.O.S. (November 30, 2001)
gamble.txt 9227
Gambling at Blackjack, by Zero (April, 2006)
garotte.txt 910
Garotte Making, by Dizzie
getstuff.txt 2545
Everything You Need to Know to Get Stuff, by Joey Midoro (July 9, 2001)
getthrough.txt 6141
Getting Through Life (List of Illegal Activities), by Jockey (November 9, 2001)
gettingfreemoney.txt 1555
Getting Free Money by Lovelie18 (February, 2014)
gf1.txt 18703
Goldstein's Fetus #1 by Fellow Felon of SoldierX.com and the Legion of the Damned (May, 2000)
gf2.txt 6702
Goldstein's Fetus #2 by Fellow Felon of SoldierX.com and the Legion of the Damned (July, 2000)
gfspress.txt 8397
Get Free Shit by (Not) Working for the Press, by Dizzie (May, 2007)
ggrenade.txt 804
A Simple Glass Grenade (October 31, 2001)
girl_joke.txt 3832
Operating Manual for your Female, by Phoenixx (2000)
glenn.txt 1643
Sysadmin's Blues, parody of Smuggler's Blues by Glenn Frey, by Delchi (October, 2004)
govt.txt 5130
The Truth About the Government by BadGer of SoldierX.com (July, 2000)
gspot.txt 4018
G-Spot Positions: Our Favorite 3 Positions to Hit the G-Spot during Sex (December, 2007)
gtsmw.txt 1981
Guide to Sniping in Modern Warfare 2, by Luke Howse (March, 2010)
gummibear.txt 1459
Gummi Bearing: As a Game of Skill, by JustOnePepsi (March 2, 2002)
hacker3.txt 18433
Diary of a Hacker Part 3, by The Blade Cuisinart (2004)
hackermedia.txt 4236
Hackers: Victims of Media Stereotype, by Violent Work of Art (July 1, 2002)
hackerstages.txt 4436
Hacker Stages Version 1.03 by Elf Qrin (March 26, 2000)
hackguide.txt 9603
K-K-D's Guide to Hacking an RM Computer: UK Version (November 2, 2001)
hackinggen.txt 3631
Fucking Script Kiddies: Becoming a Hacker (May 16, 2006)
hackingthespaces.txt 14050
Hacking the Spaces: A Critical Acclaim of What Was, Is, and Could be a Hackerspace by Johannes Grenzfurthner/Frank Apunkt Schneider (monochrom) (2009)
hackintro.txt 6823
An Introduction to Hacking, by Oreo Ctrl (April, 2000)
hackvending.txt 1243
Hack a Vending Machine, by UNEX (September 14, 2004)
haircut.txt 510
How to Get a Free Haircut, by Ali (March, 2009)
halloflamers.txt 3790
The Hall of Lamers by McLoser (June, 2000)
halo2eggs.txt 11084
Halo 2 Easter Eggs: The Skull List, by Happy McSmith (Ferbuary 18, 2005)
hamballoon.txt 5198
Field Day and Using a Weather Balloon, by Ron N9EE (July, 2004)
handsofgod.txt 10812
The Hands of God, by Anonymous (September, 2008)
happiness.txt 4703
Are We Happy? by FuGaZi SUN (May 4, 2003)
hate.txt 65329
Collection of Articles Written for HateZine by Dark Monarchy Enterprises (1998-1999)
haxormanifesto.txt 3851
The Haxor's Manifesto Y2K by The Lamor (March 15, 2000)
hd-1.txt 11905
Hate and Discontent #1 by Mastar Satan (May 5th, 1991)
hd-2.txt 10174
Hate and Discontent #2 (Getting Back at a Zealot CBer) by Master Satan
hd-3.txt 17070
Hate and Discontent #3 (Getting Even with a Prick in School or on a BBS)
hd-4.txt 10389
Hate and Discontent #4 (The Art of Killing Big Fat Purple Things) by Master Satan
hd-5.txt 7212
Hate and Discontent #5 (How to Kill a Bunch of Rocks) by Master Satan
hdhell.txt 1661
The Home Depot Intercom Trick, by Landser (November 13, 2005)
health.txt 37560
Health: A Listing of Products Affecting Your Health and Proposed Solutions, by Anonymous (December, 2008)
herbal_smokes.txt 549
Herbal Smokes, by Dizzie
hhacking.txt 1018
Human Hacking, by Acid Pool (February 8, 2006)
hmexplbag.txt 817
Homemade Explosive Bag, by Marlboro Man (October 15, 2001)
homealco.txt 7006
Homemade Alcohol by Zero (July 12, 2008)
homealcohol.txt 21485
Homemade Alcohol Verison 2 by Zero (June 2, 2011)
homemade_pepper_spray.txt 568
Homade Pepper Spray, by Dizzie (1999)
hosespray.txt 5126
Spraying People with a Hose: The Techniques, by RLK (June 10, 2003)
hotelfun.txt 1790
Hotels: Our Hidden Treasure, by Bong
hotmail.txt 6772
UnderStanding the Hotmail Server by KGB of FX Ltd.(April, 2000)
how2clone.txt 3014
AIM Cloning for Dummies by Xero, Aka MrRogerz (June 8, 2001)
how2txt.txt 6214
Writing Textfiles Version 1.0 by Burnin' of Unknown Prez (December 3, 2000)
howlost.txt 97153
How to Get Lost, and Stay That Way, by James Petersen (March 13, 2003)
howto_wzgrp.txt 6406
How to Start a Warez Group, by Neuro (September 25, 2000)
howtocoke.txt 1866
How to Make Cocaine the Simple Way, by J.W. (February 2, 2002)
howtokillsomeone 1003
Some Ways to Kill Someone (2001)
howtolie.txt 13572
How to Lie to People: Achieving Anonymity Through Disinformation and Data Poisoning, by Dizzie (May, 2007)
howtotexts.txt 6946
How and Why to Write Tutorials by The Maniac (March 20, 2000)
htmlguide.txt 15682
The Newbies' Guide to Basic HTML, by Violent Work of Art (July 1, 2002)
hybrid-1.txt 4005
Hybrido's Guide to Suicide, with Help from Razor (January 27, 2000)
hybrid-3.txt 6793
Hybrido's Guide to Finnish Kilju, by Hybrido (January 26, 2000)
ibadass.txt 7470
b0redom magazine: How to be an Internet Badass by Argus (November, 2000)
ici20080317.txt 148874
Internet Cafe In/Sec Version 1.4.7 by ad (March 17, 2008)
ici20080616.txt 154750
Internet Cafe In/Sec Version 1.5.0 by ad (June 16, 2008)
ici20080704.txt 106802
Internet Cafe In/Sec Version 1.5.0 FINAL by ad (July 4, 2008)
ici20090120.txt 172678
Internet Cafe In/Sec Version 1.5.1 by ad (January 20, 2009)
ici20090131.txt 145267
Internet Cafe In/Sec Version 1.5.2 by ad (January 31, 2009)
ics20070831.txt 77752
Internet Cafe In/Sec Version 1.3.7 by ad (September 3, 2007)
ics20080108.txt 145841
Internet Cafe In/Sec Version 1.4.5 by ad (January 29, 2008)
ics20080221.txt 149085
Internet Cafe In/Sec Version 1.4.6 by ad (February 21, 2008)
idcardz.txt 14388
Making Fake ID Cards, by the Phraudster (December 19, 1999)
idiots.txt 4205
People Who Need to be Taken Out and Disembowled with Wooden Spoons, by The Stupid Optimist of NGSAM (January 16, 2003)
illuminatirecovery.txt 48141
Original Illuminati Recovery, compiled by ad (2008)
improvarms.txt 20448
Improvised Arms, by BR (August, 2008)
incident.txt 5711
Where were you during your flex block on December, 18, 2003? (March, 2004)
independance.txt 3994
The Declaration of Independence for the Nation of Wales, by M.W. Beech (April Fool's Joke) (April 1, 2004)
infect.txt 3172
Getting Trojan-Infected Victims by RKIAC (March, 2001)
inshoplifting.txt 6704
In-Shop Lifting, by MaJiN (December 19, 2002)
intel.txt 16822
The Intel Microprocessor, typed up by Jonathan Smith (August 20, 2002)
intercept.txt 4117
Intercepting and Re-Transmitting Data Over Phone Lines, by Captain B (September 9, 2002)
intercept14.txt 10748
Intercept v1.4 Documentation by The Voice Over
intercoms.txt 2728
Various Store Phone Extensions (Intercoms) by KeepOnTruckin (August, 2008)
internalfire.txt 552
How to Create an Internal Firebomb: An Untested Idea, by The Lone Wolf (July, 2004)
invisible.txt 34823
Invisible File Extensions in Windows by Floydman (May 7, 2001)
ipodaccess.txt 1866
How to Get Free iPod Accessories, by RustyBurrito (March 14, 2006)
ircinst.txt 4182
Instructions on Using IRC, by Sin (September 20, 2005)
ircweekly.1 13095
IRC Weekly Edition #1 by Subzero and Staff
ircweekly.2 19838
IRC Weekly Edition #2 by subzero and staff
ircweekly.4 37322
IRC Weekly Edition #4 by subzero and staff (February 14, 1996)
isphack.txt 9348
Hacking your ISP, by the Maniac (August 21, 1999)
jmdickinass.txt 1386
How Joe McDickinass Died, by Icyton (December 11, 2010)
jsmooth.txt 20891
Jsmooth744's Collection of Pyrotechnic Files (2003)
kazaa.txt 2701
How to Make Kazaa Faster, by Kingfisher (May 18, 2003)
kazaaspyremoval.txt 2847
Kazaa Spyware Removal, by ParanoidXE (January, 22, 2003)
kds-doscom.txt 4816
KDS-DOSCOM: DOS COM File Version 1.0 by King Dominic Salemno (July, 2010)
kds-dospsp.txt 3594
KDS-DOSPSP: DOS Program Segment Prefix v1.0 by King Dominic Salemno (July, 2010)
kds-srt.txt 3331
KDS-SRT: SubRip (.SRT File Extension) by King Dominic Salemno (September, 2010)
keepwoman.txt 1048
Keeping Your Woman, by Acidous (August 9, 2003)
keepyoursn.txt 1924
How to Keep Your AIM Screen Names by Cow of the Digital Underground (July, 2001)
keys_xplained.txt 52910
Attempting to better interpret the 18 Keys of the Enochian Magick System, by Apakhana (2008)
khaki.txt 5425
The Khaki Box, by Chartreuse (July 12, 2007)
khaotic_rant.txt 2477
Khaotic's Rant #0001, by Khaotic (September 16, 2005)
kill_parents.txt 13660
How to Kill Your Parents, the Complete Guide, by Dizzie (1999)
killannoying.txt 1716
How to Kill Annoying Family Members (February, 2014)
kimmy.txt 78713
Kimmy: An Erotic Story, by Zone Master (May, 2006)
kkdtrojans.txt 13220
K-K-D's Guide to Using Trojans (November 2, 2001)
kl0209lit_fffap.txt 25051
Fuzzing for Fun and Profit, by Rush of Krakow Labs (February 11, 2009)
koalas.txt 2918
Koalas: Why They Should Die (Transcribed from an 8th Grade Paper) (2004)
kodakscam.txt 5692
How to Scam Scanners, Printers, and Other Hardware, by Dizzie (January, 2003)
lameerotica.txt 3668
Some Lame Erotica, by McLoser (June, 2000)
latenite.txt 9008
Late Night Antics, by Anonymous (August 6th, 1999)
lbvaporizer.txt 6215
The Light Bulb Vaporizer, by Egregius Systems Admin (April, 2004)
left.txt 12687
Open Your Eyes! It's some Leftist Propoganda, by ABERS (December 18, 2002)
legalhigh.txt 6103
Legal Highs by Pepsi (May 29, 2001)
libc-linux.txt 11726
Return To LIBC Exploitation Demonstration by Jeremy Brown (December, 2008)
liberalism.txt 11399
Liberalism and Other Political Ideologies by Dr. Anarchist (2011)
life.txt 5904
The Reasons for Living, from the Oddyssey, by FuGaZi SUN (May 4, 2003)
line-interruption.txt 6267
How to Social Engineer into Anything, or The Line-Interruption Method by Big Pad tha Don (2017)
linuxbasics.txt 2636
Basics of the Linux File System, by Quatre407 (April, 2001)
lockers.txt 350
How to Break into School Lockers and Make Money the Easy Way, by Jack Mehoff (June 11, 2006)
lostparable.txt 2514
The Lost Parable, by Ill Hippie (October 4, 1986)
lrs_wiki.txt 3103169
The Less Retarded Wiki by Drummyfish (2024)
lusermeetings.txt 14843
Social Observations about Network Lusers: A General TXT on my Personal Gleanings and Expeirence with Network Neophytes and the Everyday Joe/Jane 'Luser', by Fart Blossom (September 8, 2004)
lying757.txt 9189
The Lying 757, by Anarchy Adam (9/11 Conspiracy Theory) (May, 2006)
lytesabre.txts 8653
Some Ruminations on the Star Wars Light Sabre (March, 2003)
maceformula.txt 1095
How to Make Homemade Mace, by Just One Pepsi (March 2, 2002)
magbong.txt 3056
How to make an Easily Concealable Bong from a Mag-Lite (Februqry 21, 2002)
mail.txt 3982
The Wonderful and Evil World of E-mail by The Mob Boss (December 7, 1999)
mailspoof.txt 1763
How to Mail Spoof, by KaOX (2000)
makearse.txt 36189
The Makeshift Arsenal, by Lowry (1996) Version 1.2
makecrack.txt 2969
How to Make Crack like a Drug Dealer, by abcdrian
maniac.txt 4452
A Guide to Destroying Someone's Computer on the Internet, by the Maniac (August, 1999)
mankind.txt 4035
The Plague of Mankind, by Dizzie (2000)
mantaray-2002.txt 2311
MantaRay - A Virus (2002)
marked.txt 2329
Surviving as a Marked Citizen, by Ender (September 15, 2002)
math.txt 1352
Is this Math Reality? by Alien Bellhop (October, 2003)
matrix.txt 144011
Transcription of the Matrix Movie Script, from Cany0umatrix (April 8, 1996)
mchrom-minus24x.txt 5551
Minus 24x: A Manifesto, by Grenzfurthner of Monochrom (2001)
mcomschubumkehr-1996.txt 10506
Schubumkehr: A Manifesto, from Monochrom (1996)
mentorslw.txt 3028
The Mentor's Last Words (Hacker Manifesto)
merestremve.txt 1961
Uninstalling System Restore (WinME) by ParanoidXE (April 12, 2003)
message.txt 3706
Spreading Your Message, by Dizzie (2000)
methcathr.txt 7953
PhreeX Methcathinone Recipe (2003)
methmethod.txt 10184
Making Methamphetamine at Home (2003)
metv.hac 5719
MeTV (Canadian Cable) For Free, by Nowhere Man (July 1999)
mhbomb.txt 2079
Making a Match Head Bomb, by Phantom Hate (August 12, 2001)
microbotnet.txt 1884
The Truth about Microsoft, by FuSiioN (October, 2011)
microsoft.txt 667
The Microsoft Conspiracy: Do Not Install Service Pack 2 (January, 2005)
mine_hack.txt 1362
Hacking Minesweeper by Dizzie (2000)
minimart.txt 398267
STORY: Mini-Mart, by Andy Thomas (2008)
mis_fun.txt 9833
Mischief and Fun by XxCasperxXxSuicidexX (May 6, 2006)
mlkbook.txt 12949
ESSAY: Review of Martin Luther King, Jr. Book, by Derrick L. Jones (May 9, 2003)
modemhack.txt 1844
Hacking Dial-Up Modems, by Xcalibur (December 19, 2005)
modern_leechers.txt 2906
Modern Day Leechers, by JMZ635 (January 21, 2005)
modern_piracy.txt 4114
Modern Piracy, by ProdigyPuNk (January 23, 2001)
modernmanifesto.txt 1618
Hacking: A Modern Manifesto, by Acidus (January 9, 2003)
modsys.txt 2755
A List of Files that Can be Modified by Resource Hacker, by ParanoidXE (2003)
molotov.ana 46145
Molotov's Cookbook, by Molotov Poison (November 2011)
moneyvirus.txt 1347
How to Make Money From Viruses, by Son of the Dark Angel (October, 2005)
monochrom-tomann.txt 20306
GEORG PAUL THOMANN, or A Short History Of A Collaborative Conspiracy by Johannes Grenzfurthner, monochrom, Vienna, Austria (January 2006)
movies.txt 4629
How to Piss People Off at the Movies, by Dizzie (2000)
moving.txt 3242
Movement Under Fire, by Boone (June 8, 2007)
mozilla121.txt 7755
The Mozilla 1.2.1 Mini-FAQ by ParanoidXE (January 22, 2003)
mrbs.txt 4188
How to Bullshit Properly, by Stagman44 (January, 2005)
msnfaq.txt 7567
The MSN Broadband Mini-FAQ, by ParanoidXE (January 22, 2003)
mtracker.txt 12926
Milkytracker: The Fantastic Guide, by Null 1024 (Beta 2.41) (October 25, 2011)
netslum.txt 15235
Is Abandoning the Internet the Next Big Thing? By John Walker (May 12, 2004)
netzero.txt 4306
Having Fun with NetZero (A Free ISP) by Sli-p (August 17, 1999)
netzerocrk.txt 3017
Cracking NetZero by The Code Kid (July 26, 2000)
newbietext.txt 7494
A Guide for Newbies: Getting Knowledge, by DigitalWolfX (March 31, 2001)
newfakeid.txt 101322
Creating a New Fake ID In America (March 12, 2003)
newshoes.txt 1732
Getting New Shoes, by PainInVmthuafuckinass (March 18, 2006)
nexus.txt 125296
Nexus, by Andy Thomas (June, 2006)
nhc.txt 1164
NFO File for the Night Hackz Crew (1997-2000) by xLiner of the NhC
nice15391.txt 18636
TELNET Reconnection Option: NIC 15391 (August 1973)
nice15393.txt 5905
TELNET Approximate Message Size Negotiation Option NIC 15393 (August 1973)
nice15393o.txt 10624
TELNET Output Page Size Option - David C. Walden (BBN-NET)
nice20196.txt 10890
TELNET Output Line Width Option (1973)
night.txt 4971
Phun in the Night, by Enphorcer (February 25, 2001)
ninjabeer.txt 5805
How to Steal Beer the Ninja Way, by Lucid Impulses (February 5, 2002)
nitro.txt 9745
Making Nitro, by Simon (March 18, 2004)
nlg.txt 8388
Neophyte's Guide to Learning by RaT of SoldierX.com, Blackcode.com, LoTd (October, 2000)
nlintro.txt 18419
An Introduction to Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs (2006)
nokia3390.txt 2733
Nokia 3390 Phone Tips and Tricks, by ParanoidXE (2003)
nokia3390mf.txt 2553
The Nokia 3390 M. Faq by ParanoidXE (2003)
normandy.txt 145622
The Ring and the Road to St. Lo, by Andy Thomas (2008)
note.txt 22007
Bill Zeller's Suicide Note (2011)
nothing.txt 5497
Cola Presents: Hydroplane, by Zarathustra (March 11, 2000)
notphrack.txt 22279
Not Phrack 64, Issue #1, Volume #1 (September 22, 2005)
ntr2hak.txt 3895
A Night to Remember Part II by Hakka (Story) (February 9, 2003)
ntrhack.txt 2264
A Night to Remember by Hakka (Story) (February 9, 2003)
odyssey.txt 4271
The Odyssey of Cryus, Part 1 by Alienbellhop (February 5, 2004)
ofphonescan.txt 283
The Art of Phone Scanning, by Acid Pool (February 8, 2006)
one_cent.txt 1757
One Cent, by ad (May, 2008)
onfreedom.txt 405
FREEDOM, by Duo Pros (January 30, 2005)
oozle.txt 9727
Bypassing Mechandise Alarms, by Oozle (March 2, 2000)
open_lock.txt 2712
How to Open a Permutation Lock by Unlock (February, 2009)
orangebox.txt 2292
Introducing the Orange Box, by Remanufacture (July 17, 2001)
osu-botanu.txt 15789
Osu-botano Pod, by Aliyus Rudh (November 2017)
ottokumm.txt 45241
Otto Kumm Recollects by Andy Thomas (2008)
ouija.txt 6330
Your Own, Personal Ouija, by Propaganda66 (August 17, 1999)
ovb.txt 204624
Odhinn Vodoo Buddha Version 1.1d by Terry Washington aka Phoenixx (2000)
owls.txt 6778
A Collection of ASCII Owls from 1999, from Tommi Raulahti (2007)
oxiclean.txt 14516
The Truth Behind OxiClean, by The Keeper (September 20, 1999)
pagerbomb.txt 3563
Bomb Ignition from a Phone (2003)
paintball.txt 1104
Other Paintball Ammo, by Hammer and Nail (January 13, 2000)
pansexual.txt 4609
Pansexual: A Sensual Tale of Pleasure
parachute.txt 1399
How to Build a Parachute (for Smoking) by MarleySplift (August 27, 2005)
paranoia.txt 14270
A Philosophical Essay on Paranoia, by the Dark Dominator (July, 2003)
paranoid.txt 6061
Become a Paranoid: It's More Secure, by The Maniac (August 21, 1999)
passwd.txt 5595
Everything about /etc/passwd, by KGB (April, 2000)
pathtohack.txt 3048
Starting Down the Path to Hacking, by Kuso (April, 2001)
payphonephun 1316
Some Pay Phone Phun: I Killed the Phone! By Gemldan (June 6, 2002)
pcfaq.txt 8124
PXFAQS.20M.COM TXT Conversion, by ParanoidXE (May 31, 2003)
pcsecurity.txt 28199
PC Security (And How to Get By It) by The Dark Knight (TdK) of SoldierX.com (June, 2000)
peppers.txt 2253
Some Fun with Peppers by Pheonixfire187 (August 24, 2004)
personaltoll.txt 4214
Those "Personal" Toll-Free Numbers, by phantasm (December 2018)
pext.txt 3421
Cryptography with Pext, by Kyro. (May 5, 2014)
phb-noimages.txt 432501
Players' Handbook: deadEarth Players Handbook - HT Smith Chris Hagness - 2002
phile1.txt 4040
Making a Forest base, by Galvaplex & The Matrix Templars (August 12, 2002)
phile2.txt 6256
Making a Forest base, by Galvaplex & The Matrix Templars (Part II) (August 12, 2002)
phishing.txt 6963
Phishing For Beginners: Tutorial by _cracked.anarchist (November 25, 2006)
phone.txt 14572
Basic Phone Security: Making and Breaking it, by Mob Boss (June, 2000)
phonecam.txt 565
Get a Girl on Yahoo! Cam! by GKiller (June 2, 2003)
phonemodding.txt 3067
Phone Modding, by Phil (March, 2004)
phones.txt 993
How to Bash Phones for Profit, by Sab0tage and M0nk of the 231Boyz (June 6, 2001)
phreaking.txt 3294
piano.txt 35506
72 Piano Chords, by Musician (2009)
pick.txt 3396
Picking Locks, by the Impactor
pissoff.txt 4281
How To Piss Off Your Neighbor by Gkiller (June 2, 2003)
pizooka.txt 2245
How to Make a Pizooka, by Sick66 (June, 2000)
plaindefense.txt 135826
A Plain Defense for Plain Text, by Donald Brown (December 14, 2016)
plunge.txt 3988
Fucking Your Plunger, by the Annoying Nut Bug (February 6, 2000)
pnapalm.txt 2197
How to Make Plastic/Napalm Explosive by ZERO (October 15, 2001)
poem_a_(child).txt 400
The Children (A Poem) by Dizzie (2000)
poem_b_(stalker).txt 1001
The Stalker (A Poem) by Dizzie (2000)
poem_g_(why).txt 977
Why? (A Poem) by Dizzie
poems.txt 2232
A Collection of Poems by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
poke.txt 2221
If I Ruled the World, by Poke (February 26, 2005)
polymorphism.txt 9639
Tutorial: Polymorphism in Batch by cOrRuPt G3n3t!x (2009)
popcanfun.txt 813
How to Make a Pop Can Launcher, by Paco (May 16, 2004)
port513.txt 2017
The Perils of Port 512, or How to piss off a Linux Administrator in three easy steps by Confucious (December 6, 1999)
ports.txt 3299
Maniac's Guide of Ports In use by Trojans (August 1999)
ppprodos.txt 7332
Why ProDOS Sucks Sewer Backwash, by The Silver Ghost (March 22, 1987, Retyped 2010)
prankster.txt 7055
NAPSTER: The Stupid Napster Guide by KGB (2000)
projectmf.txt 2231
How to Call Project MF by SGT. Chargeman (September, 2016)
protect.txt 3373
A Guide on How to Protect Yourself While Staying on the Net
prox.txt 4125
Making Improvised Proximity Mines, by MassExodus (February, 2004)
prox2.txt 4225
Making Improvised Proximity Mines, by MassExodus (February, 2004) (Second Revision)
proxydoc.txt 32047
Proxies, by Fris (October 18th, 2003)
ps2.txt 1224
Playing Burned PS2 Games Without a Mod by Sheer Black Family (August 14, 2004)
psy_exp.txt 16912
Some Psychedelic Experiences on LSD 25 and Psilocybin, by Sunshine (February, 2009)
psyco.quiz.txt 2563
Are You a Psychopath? By David Moore
racing.txt 3706
Some Phun Car Racing, by the Enphorcer (February 25, 2001)
radiobomb.txt 1409
The Radio Bomb, by Acidous (October 11, 2002)
rage.txt 1647
Rage's Flint Bomb Fun Thing To Do In School (July, 2000)
rainynight.txt 4391
Rainy Night: A Story by Nick (December 20, 2001)
rb2000.txt 10783
Converting a Tone Dialer into a Red Box, by Swordkeeper
realc--.txt 4512
The Real C-- Coder's Guide (Release 2) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
realc--2.txt 4928
The Real C-- Coder's Guide (Release 2) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
realdos.txt 8350
The Real DOS User's Guide (Release 3) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
realdos3.txt 19061
The Real DOS User's Guide (Release 3) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
religideas.txt 4345
My Ideas on Catholicsm and Christianity, by Frontier Psychiatrist
revengebp.txt 23435
Techniques for Revenge by Phone, by Captain B (June 11, 2003)
ripoffcc.txt 1334
The Easy Guide to Ripping Off Cable Companies, by Pepsi of The Thieves (May 23, 2001)
ripschool.ana 698
Ripping Off Your School, by Captain Black (September, 2004)
rmexploit.txt 546
A Great Little RM Exploit, by iCyDaVe (April, 2001)
rockhurl.txt 2973
Making a Rock Hurler, by Jeffro (June 11, 2002)
rolljoint.txt 933
How to Roll a Joint, by SkyHighaTrist (June, 2005)
root.txt 8829
What a Root Can Do To You, by The Maniac (July, 2000)
royster.txt 208589
The Oysterville Inheritance, by Andy Thomas (Fiction) (2008)
run_away.txt 4419
How to Successfully Run Away from Home, by Dizzie
ruzz-aqua.txt 9689
Ruzsland: Aquatic Antics and Other Fun Around Water, by Ruzz (May 17, 2003)
ruzz-economy.txt 4131
Ruzsland: The Ruzsland Economy, by Ruzz (May 17, 2003)
ruzz-fish.txt 5654
Ruzsland: Fish Watching, by Ruzz (May 17, 2003)
ruzz-homestead.txt 2498
Ruzsland: Homestead Gardening, by Ruzz (May 17, 2003)
ruzz-rambo.txt 8921
Ruzsland: RAMBO: Ruzz' Awesome Mighty Braun Outdoors, by Ruzz (May 17, 2003)
satanic.txt 3061
Some Satanic Points, by Sick66 (June, 2000)
sawed-off.txt 5714
Sawed off Shotguns by Zero (March 27, 2003)
scanning1.txt 16262
The Official Guide to Exchange Scanning by The Mob Boss (December 7, 1999)
school.txt 6914
Things Not to Do In School, by MassExodus (February, 2004)
school2.txt 2981
Things Not to Do In School, by MassExodus (February, 2004) (Second Revision)
schoolfunpl.txt 3341
Fun Stuff to Do at School, by Buttschitt (July 9, 1999)
schoolvista.txt 2529
Some Discoveries about the Schoolvista Program, by Lightning Clip (May, 2005)
scrapwithstyle.txt 4110
How to Scrap with Style, by Cin (September 15, 2005)
sdf.txt 3473
The SDF Public Access UNIX System Celebrates 20 Years! by Stephen Jones (June 12, 2007)
selfdefense.txt 2772
Self-Defence For Minorities by John Locke (August, 2009)
sellin.txt 985
Selling Oregano, by Hammer and Nail (January 17, 2000)
seriescl.txt 4848
Some New Classes of TV Series by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (November 25th, 2001)
sestra_teaches.txt 7029
My Sister Teaches Me, by HGPP1 (July, 2013)
seth.txt 6413
The Story of Seth, by Shadow Wolf (September 15, 1999)
sf2move.lst 2144
Street Fighter 2 Movelist by SuperMarioBro (January, 2005)
shares.txt 3273
A Windows Open Share Hack, by Phreak 2000
shell.text 1680
A Shot Gun Shell Explosive, by Incendie (April 5, 1997)
shells 3101
Word = Force x Distance, by Drugabuser, aka Trent
shootup.txt 7534
How to Shoot Up, by Zero (August 13, 2006)
shoplifta.txt 1502
How to Shoplift, from Insane Killa (July 7, 2003)
shoutcast.txt 5926
Creating an Internet Radio Station using Shoutcast, by NeonSavior (February, 2004)
shrapnel.txt 1054
A Homemade Shrapnel Bomb, by Yblad (July, 2005)
simple_bang.txt 619
Simple Bang, by Dizzie
singleevent.txt 9592
Single Event Cross Infection and You
skipschool.txt 1450
10 Reasons to Skip School, by John Dough (October 7, 2001)
skullbones.txt 1301
Skull and Bones, by Acid Pool (February 14, 2006)
sleepbox.txt 1643
Building a Sleep Box (A Modified Busy Box) by Sysburn (July, 2005)
slug_torture.txt 2075
Ways to Kill and Torture a Slug, by Dizzie (1999)
smallown.txt 3533
Having Fun in your Small Town, by MassExodus (February, 2004)
smartphone.faq.txt 3636
Smartphone FAQ (February 2019)
smokedark.txt 1383
The Toxic Smoke Bomb, by D(A)rk (July, 2003)
snowman.txt 2399
The Snowman, by Hakka (Story) (February 9, 2003)
soaps.txt 3399
The Recipe to Writing Soap Opera Schenarios (Release 2) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
social_rules.txt 947
Ten Rules for a Pure Socialistic Society by Dizzie (1999)
socialeng.txt 8538
Social Engineering by RaT of SoldierX.com, Blackcode.com, LoTD (April, 2000)
soda_bomb.txt 651
A SOda Bomb, by Dizzie
sodamach.txt 2874
Vending Machine Hacking for the New Millenium by C0de-kid (July 20, 2000)
sodamachine.txt 1235
The Free Money Portal by Fruit (Opening Soda Machines for Profit) (July 8, 2001)
sodascam.txt 2047
The Soda Scam, from the Bin of Trash (May 15, 2003)
somekid.txt 1500
The Story of Some Kid, by Manny Jordan (January 28, 2004)
somenothing.txt 7606
Getting Something for Nothing, by Pepsi (May 19, 2001)
sonysupport.txt 1040
Sony Support Phone Numbers, by Acid Pool (December 11, 2006)
sourcecop.txt 6018
Defeating Sourcecop, by King (2013)
sphere.txt 180144
Lucid Dreaming (A Palimpsest) by Andy Thomas (2004)
spy.txt 11030
Virtual Espionage: A Guide to Doing It and Protecting Yourself From It, by The Mob Boss (December 9, 1999)
squat.txt 12563
A Guide to Exploring Vacant and Unsecured Buildings by Tim Maschok (2011)
ssnnew.txt 9084
The Structure of Social Security Numbers (May 15, 2001)
stacklinux.txt 13665
Stack Overflow Exploitation Demonstration for Linux by Jeremy Brown (December, 2008)
stdmanual.txt 7048
The STD Manual, by ParanoidXE (April 2, 2004)
stealbook.txt 1708
Stealing Books from a Library, by Icey (July 1, 2001)
stealcable.txt 2956
How to Steal Cable, by Blizzard/One
stealthistex 22518
Steal This Textfile! by Pavement (February 19, 2001)
stealwifi.txt 2277
Stealing Wifi, by DNMEBOY (April 21, 2005)
stfun00b.txt 8699
What the Fuck Happened to the Internet? A Rant by Tokachu (June 12, 2004)
stinkbomb.txt 7224
The Idiot's Guide on How to Make a Simple, Cheap and Effective Stink Bomb, by K2 (August 20, 2003)
stopmob.txt 4918
Stopping the Mob from Picking On You by Acidous (January 15, 2003)
storyoflife.ans 9494
The Story of Life, by by Burebista (March 20, 2002)
stripchess.txt 3258
The Official Rules of Strip Chess v1.1, by Ceribia and Keri (June, 2005)
strongpwd.txt 6043
Creating and Using Strong Passwords, by Less Than Zero (Version 0.1) (December 5, 2002)
studio.txt 4903
Fart Blossom's Home Studio Tips (February 25, 2004)
studyguide.txt 2459
Making Money at School with Study Guides, by LOD-Black Manta (June 1, 2001)
stungun.txt 1988
Introducing the Mini Stun by Remanufacture (July 9, 2001)
supertarget.txt 74029
Stealing SuperTarget: How to Hit the Bullseye, by Xap (November 28, 2004)
sweat.txt 2473
How to Sweat: A Guide to Sweating, by Dizzie
tags.txt 7559
Defeating Shoplifting Security Tags, by Oran (June 25, 2002)
tcom_router.txt 43030
T-COM Linux Router Security: The T-Com Speedport W 500 V, by Anon (January 13, 2009)
te2000.txt 6073
The Amtel 2000 Tele-Entry System by Jenn (2001)
teleconferences.txt 4988
Information on Teleconferences, by Akurei (January 3, 2001)
telemarketers.txt 2070
Telemarketer Revenge by Dizzie 2000
termhack.txt 6423
Terminal Hacking Part 1 and Part 2, by OttrE (April 14, 2004)
textfiles.txt 2800
Why Prefer Textfiles? By Jakash3 (January 21, 2010)
texthello.txt 1637
A Copy-Pastable Hello World Program in pure ASCII by Jak Ash (July 20, 2010)
tfileone.txt 2609
How to Trash a Bitch's Yard, by CyPrUsStOrM (November, 2003)
tflingerie.txt 755
Toll Free Lingerie Number Listing, by Acid Pool (December 12, 2006)
thandbook.txt 16527
The Thieves' Handbook, by Pepsi (May 19, 2001)
thanx.txt 2762
Hey, a Big Thank You From Shadowwolf (June 2000)
the.antithesis.txt 156433
The Antithesis, A Novel by Sam Johnson (April, 2005)
thecipher.txt 4337
The Basic Cipher, by UndeadPhreak (2011)
thefarmer.txt 1670
The Farmer, by Hakka (Story) (February 9, 2003)
themexp.txt 2252
Cracking ThemeXP Setup Files, by Eminem (November 23, 2006)
thepath.txt 15489
Following the True Path to Hacking, by Voya (July 7, 1999)
thiefbook.txt 5685
How to Be a Successful Thief, by Syko Phreak of the ULA (June 20, 2004)
thievery.txt 18156
The Handbook of Thievery v1.0 by Acidous (September 26, 2002)
thievery2.txt 34013
The Handbook of Thievery v2.0 by Acidous (May 24, 2003)
time.txt 2217
Wasting Their Time, by Dizzie
timebased.txt 529
Hacking Time Based Programs, by Acid Pool (February 14, 2006)
timebeetle.txt 8321
Time Beetle, by Paul Farah, Recreated by Jim Frost (Circa 1989)
timeddet.txt 6370
How to Build a Cheap Timed Detonator, by Reuter Canine
timetravel.txt 2090
Time Travel, by Acid Pool (February 6, 2006)
tobacco.txt 2771
How to Cure Homegrown Tobacco by J (Anonymous) (January 21, 2003)
toiletblow.txt 2876
Blowing Up a Toilet by Blizzard/six.blz
toiletsupersoaker.txt 1860
Toilet Super Soaker, written by Paininvmuthafuckinass (March 5, 2006)
tollfree.txt 1896
A Collection of Toll Free Numbers, from Acid Pool (February 5, 2006)
tonspranks.txt 3796
COZMIC Presents: Tons-O-Pranks Volume 1 (December 2, 2001)
tontfile.txt 6857
The Stagrific Stagman Synthesis, by Thought and Machine (October 26, 2005)
toolkit.txt 2778
The Anarchist's/Prankster's Toolkit, by Dizzie (1999)
tools.txt 658
Tools and Accessories for Survival and More, by Acid Pool (February 8, 2006)
top_5_japan.txt 515
Top 5 Ways the Nuclear Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima Helped Japan, by Dizzie (1999)
top_ten_kill.txt 1318
Top Ten Reasons to kill Yourself, by Dizzie (1999)
torture.txt 5005
Household Torture Techniques, by Dizzie (1999)
torturestory.txt 11457
Cravings: A Torture Story, by Crescent Omega (February 10, 2004)
toz.txt 39215
ToZ' Trinkets by Andy Thomas (2008)
training.txt 2290
Training Your Army for Anarchy, by Pyromania (October 14, 2004)
trains.txt 2809
Fun With Trains, by SilenceR (July 31, 2000)
transfer.txt 7777
Transfer: A Short Story by Jakash3 (October, 2011)
trigmath.txt 1361
A Basic Trigonomety Primer, by Navid (November 20, 2006)
tripwireht.txt 1816
How to Make a Tripwire, by Killa Instinct (March 29, 2005)
trojanports.txt 8044
Trojan Ports Defined, by KGB (June, 2000)
trojans.txt 8299
How to Use Trojan Horses, by The Maniac (2001)
truth.txt 4395
The Reason for SoldierX and The Reason for Me, by Portwolf of Portwolf.com (July 31, 2000)
twpyhr001.txt 1820
Yet Another Telemarketer Revenge Tactic, by Jennifer Martino (March, 2004)
twpyhr003.txt 2413
Cities in Area Code 847 (March 27, 2004)
twpyhr004.txt 1105
Cities in Area Code 630 (March 27, 2004)
twpyhr010.txt 756
Real Life Hacking: Profitable Punishment, by Jennifer Martino (June 8, 2004)
ufisp.txt 11194
Universal Guide to Free ISP's Via PPP by Amp of SoldierX.com (October, 2000)
ufosurvival.txt 3634
UFO Survivalists, by The Dark Dominator (February, 2004)
ugotsrvd.txt 3840
The Inevitable Future of You Got Served, by Tokachu (June 12, 2004)
ukrfspec.txt 66004
The Radio Spectrum: UK Allocations, by Meg Hertz (February 24, 1999)
uktv.txt 6732
British Television in 1000 Words, by Inkstersco (September 3, 2002)
ulockpen.txt 884
How to Open Bike Locks with a Bic Pen, by Wyll Dezyn (September, 2004)
unbo.txt 4991
How to Un-Install Back Orifice 2000, by Mr. Thrips (June 2000)
undergroundw.txt 2381
A Warning to Other Pirates of the Underground, by Khaotic (August, 2005)
underwater.txt 19089
Building an Underwater Base, by Acidous (December 25, 2002)
ureach.txt 4030
Free Calls with Ureach, by The Mob Boss (December 19, 1999)
vbircclient.txt 7233
VB IRC Client, by Jackash3 (March 5, 2010)
vbox.txt 17198
Hacking Voice Mail Boxes by ic0n (June 12, 2001)
vending.txt 3388
How to Rob Vending Machines, by Alex (October 1, 2002)
vending_machine_fun.txt 1781
Vending Machine Fun, by Dizzie (1999)
vendingm.txt 17835
Vending Machines, Payphones and Bill Changers, Compiled by Mustard (April 28, 2001)
verizonconf.txt 6636
Verizon Teleconferencing, by k00p$sta Phr34k and ic0n (April, 2002)
vernamtut.txt 10013
A Guide to Vernam OTP Encruption Without a Computer, by Durandal of Soldierx.com (September, 2008)
vhscheap.txt 1920
How to Get VHS Tapes for Cheap, by Kingfisher (July, 2003)
virus_writers.txt 1433
The 5 Most Common Types of Virus Writers, by Dizzie (1999)
virustruth.txt 6807
The Truth About Computer Viruses, by Darren Pierce (April 12, 2000)
vosd.txt 35320
Future Viruses and Operating System Devlopment by Nucleii (2001)
vote.txt 5336
About Voting, by The Maniac (November 7, 1999)
wakingup.txt 2086
Waking Up, for Tripe Magazine, by Wzd (September 20, 2002)
war.txt 39098
War is a Racket, by Major General Smedley Butler
wardial.txt 5703
A Simple WAR DIALing SALT Script for Telix (Release 1) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
warez101.txt 2456
Warez 1.0.1 by KGB (June 2000)
watch_knife.txt 734
Watch Knife, by Dizzie (1999)
watercounter.txt 6824
The Water Counter Bug: How to Get Free Water, by cyberinfo (2010)
waterfire.txt 744
How to make a Water Bottle Flamethrower, by The Union (February 3, 2007)
weedshake.txt 1358
The Kozmic Milkshake, by Super (February 22, 1999)
wfp.txt 4578
Windows 2000 File Protection Explained, by ParanoidXE (May 16, 2002)
whatanarchyis.txt 2490
What Anarchy Is, by Pyromaniac (January, 2005)
why_edumasses.txt 2190
Why Educate the Masses? by Neuro (September 28, 2000)
whydos.txt 14627
Why You Should Use DOS (Release 3) by Burnin' of UNKNOWN Prez (October 16th, 2001)
whywehack.txt 2653
Why Do We Hack, by Illusion
whywehurt.txt 4338
Why We Hurt, by Ender (Version 1) (October 15, 2002)
win_trojans.txt 67910
The Complete Windows Trojans Paper by Dancho Danchev Version 1.0 (October 21, 2002)
winvirus.txt 2015
Windows is a Virus: A Poem, by Boris Grishenko (February 2, 2002)
wirelessb.txt 4947
Building a Wireless Beige Box, by Captain B (March 25, 2002)
wiretappingfd.txt 6204
Wiretapping for Dummies, by Cracked Anarchist (November 25, 2006)
wonarchive.txt 79544
The World of Nintendo Log Archive, by Draxamus (July, 2003)
writingtfiles.txt 9900
The Guide to Writing Text Files by Paranoidxe (April 22, 2004)
wtfnet.hac 9908
What the Fuck Series #1: What the Fuck is Network Cable? By Yetzer_Ra (July 4th, 2000)
wz101_newbie.txt 6973
Warez 101 for the Newbie, by Neuro (September 24, 2000)
y2k_top_ten.txt 1788
Top 10 Good Things about the Y2K Bug, by Dizzie (1999)
yaflamethrow.txt 843
Easy Makeshift Flame Thrower, by Strych9 Milksheikh (July 1, 2005)
yahell.txt 5990
YAHELL: The Yahoo Trojan Attack Guide, by Zero (December 16, 2002)
yahoocensor.txt 1101
How To Beat The Yahoo! ID Censor System by GKiller (June 2, 2003)
yourpctracks.txt 8737
Clearing Your Tracks on your PC by The Dark Knight of SoldierX.com (July, 2000)
zfsraider.txt 33811
ZFS Raiders of the Lost File, by Heisenberg (October, 2021)
zippo.txt 15696
The Poor Man's OO7 Zippo, by Anarchy 2005 Team (November, 2004)
zoo_fun.txt 2833
Fun at the Zoo, by Dizzie (1999)

There are 706 files for a total of 15,182,623 bytes.

If you wish to have the entire directory conveniently archived and compressed into one file, please download either uploads.tar.gz (1847004 bytes) or uploads.zip (2048167 bytes) instead of all the files separately.